Table of Contents
Portfolio Allocation
Today, I will write my first portfolio analysis. To be able to see the status of my portfolio, I will share it at the beginning of each month. My main motivation is to help me analyze my moves by seeing them. Since I think writing the amount of money in the portfolio is meaningless, seeing the percentage changes and which assets I have invested in will be sufficient.
Actually, I have an excel sheet that I constantly review to see the current situation. However, since I don’t save it every month, I couldn’t make a general evaluation of the situation. Anyway, let’s get back to work. I will call the total value of the assets I have 100x. In this way, I can see the increases or decreases through this coefficient. I plan to share the graph of this coefficient every month.
The total debt to asset ratio is approximately %2,8 which is fairly enough if I compare it with many companies’ ratios. Also, my debts are 12-36 months long payment in installments. I never hold cash. When I have money aside I buy assets right away. That’s my habit. Whenever I need immediate cash then I sell some shares or short-term bonds.
Crypto Portfolio
As can be seen from the image, I have a very aggressive portfolio according to some. %26 crypto asset means a lot for many investors. Currently, I can say that my crypto portfolio is mostly bitcoin, around 91%. The main reason for this is that I expect bitcoin’s dominance to increase in the coming days. Otherwise, as the bull market approaches, I plan to increase the percentage of my altcoin portfolio to at least 50%. I’m adding below a detailed pie chart of my crypto portfolio.
Last week, I started to accumulate dogecoin. I believe that the upcoming bull run will be just fine for meme coins. There stacking some dogecoin never harms me. If it goes to the moon then I wouldn’t miss it. If it drops to zero then I know that it’s not going to hurt my portfolio at all. If you wonder about my opinions on future price action please read Will Cryptocurrencies Rise Again?
I like speculation which is one of my investing strategies. I have core investments such as bitcoin o course but when I smell greed or fear, I have to take some advantage of it. As you can see my crypto portfolio is quite conservative. I have actually small investments to other coin as well but they are not even visible in chart so I skipped them 🙂
Up to 95% of my stocks are on the local stock exchange. I prefer to invest in Turkish stocks. BIST100 was the world’s rising stock exchange last year. Although things are not going very well this year, the returns of solid Turkish companies are quite sufficient in the long run. The biggest reason for me to invest in Turkish stocks is that I can get to know the companies I will analyze more closely. I plan to buy TQQQ for American stocks in the coming months. However, unlike many investors, index investing is not my field. I like to invest actively. I see it as my job and I enjoy it. The weight of my stocks in the portfolio is ideal for me right now. I do not plan to exceed the 40% level. I will share my stock allocation in the upcoming months both global and local stocks.
I started investing in Eurobonds last year. They are long and midterm mainly. Therefore they are going to be a static investment. It cannot be said that I had a very good start. Although I am at a loss due to the regular interest rate increases of the FED and the increase in my country’s CDS premiums, I did not buy it with the aim of making short-term sales. It is something that serves as insurance for me rather than making money. If the CDS drops (I hope), I can reduce my position depending on the situation of the global stock markets.
Let’s come to debts, actually, I love debts very much. It is necessary to distinguish good debts from bad debts. This knowledge, which I learned from the bestselling book Rich Dad Poor Dad that I read 13 years ago, was a turning point in my life. I had never been educated in these matters due to the education system built on a good job and a good salary throughout life. I am aware of the criticisms of the author, and I don’t follow him anyway. What is important is the messages that open your horizons given by the book.
Since I have limited access to good debts, I don’t have much debt. I don’t want to get involved in margin or futures transactions since I lost a lot of money. To predict how much the market will fall or rise, one must be a soothsayer. No one in the world can predict it…
Real Estate
As someone who generally doesn’t like liquid assets, I don’t find it sensible to invest in the apple industry outside of the house I live in. It may be reasonable to purchase properties that you believe may appreciate in value in the future due to very good interest rates. Actually, I don’t even see my house as an investment. It should be a need – every human should have a home where they can feel safe and sheltered, which is the second level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Renting is also an option, of course. I won’t delve into that topic in this article. In conclusion, a rate of 20% satisfies me. As long as it fluctuates between 20% and 30%, I don’t plan to make any new real estate investments.
Overall my main goal is to keep my portfolio diversification rate %10-15 bond, %30-40 stocks, %20-30 crypto, and %20-25 real estate. Percentages are changing of course every single day. Especially if crypto prices spike again I can not control these numbers 🙂 If my stock portfolio reaches more than %40 then I will add money to other assets.
Stay invested, and be a permanent investor!